Lurdy in a new momentum!
We are delighted to announce that following our redesign, the Lurdy Shopping and Office Centre will undergo significant changes inside and out over the coming period to provide a more modern, visitor-friendly environment.
Since May, the ground floor of the shopping centre has continued to be refurbished, while the common areas, toilets and kitchens of the office centre have also started to be refurbished and redesigned. In the current phase, 2,500 m2 of suspended ceilings are being painted and design changes are being made, 2,500 m2 of new flooring has been replaced and 3,500 m2 of wall surfaces are being repainted. In addition, 235 re-structured billboards will be installed and from July, the Events Centre will also be modernised in terms of both appearance and technical equipment.
There have also been many changes in the tenant mix in recent months. We have welcomed new international tenants such as BelFrit, Sinsay and Fressnapf, which will open in mid-May. A new service speciality is the KrioCentrum with a cris sauna. And in the second half of the year, we will be welcoming new players to meet customer needs.
We are confident that the renewed Lurdy will offer our visitors an even more attractive and comfortable space where, in addition to everyday shopping, more and more people will choose to enjoy entertainment, relaxation and sporting experiences.
We’ll keep you up to date with the latest news on our website, as well as on our renewed Facebook and Instagram pages, so it’s worth following us!